

My name is Misa. I was born and brought up in Japan, but currently living and working as a graphic designer in London, UK.

I’ve been having a quite lot of opportunities to work for food-related projects recent years and started to have an interest of making cooking recipes.

Thank you very much for visiting Fish Trip Cafe.


email address: misa (at) fishtripcafe (dot) com


My portfolio website: http://fishtrip.co.uk

§ 10 Responses to About"

  • marisa, marta mum says:

    hola misa chan. me gusta mucho tu web. haré tus recetas con la ayuda de marta. espero verto pronto. mucho besos

  • Hello Misa,

    Just a quick note to tell you how brilliant your blog is! I’ve recently returned from a holiday in Japan and I’ve been trying out various Japanese recipes’ to no avail; however, your crispy noodle in black bean sauce came out absolutely perfect!
    I’m definitely going to try your other recipes – please do keep posting!

    Best Wishes,


  • dekopon says:

    Hi, thank you for visiting my blog.

    You live abroad, meaning you touch
    tons of foods and recipes from European
    cultures everyday.

    Occasionally combination of different stuff
    generate something fascinating, I believe.
    That s the reason your blog is cool.

    I like Fish Trip Cafe.
    The fish is herring?

    • Nazril says:

      I have awlays wanted to cook more fish but never felt I would get it right.Then I got onto your site.GREAT.you have nailed it for me.thank you.I will be a regular visitor to your website.

  • Hi Misa, just found your bog via UKFBA. It’s just a work of art, so beautiful. I look forward to following some of your recipes, you can make toast look like its gourmet food.


  • Shazia says:

    Hi Misa

    You have a lovely website. I came across this site while researching about the Hokkaido cuisine and I read that it is your hometown. I was trying to find a selection of authentic sweet and savoury recipes for a challenge I will be hosting. I have found the Hokkaido milk bread and Hokkaido chiffon cake. I’m looking for something that is more unique to the cuisine.

    I would be attaching links to your recipes if I do end up using them.

    Look forward to hearing back from you soon!!!

    So happy to have come across this site.


  • ゆか兄 THE Takahash says:





    • misa says:

      妹さんも未だに私にむかって「ゴス」と言ってくるんですが… なんなんですかTAKAHASHI兄弟・笑。


  • Charlene Ng says:

    Stunning photos and lovely recipes. I’m looking forward to more!

    • misa says:

      Thank you for your lovely comment! I’ll try to update my blog more often :D Thank you!

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